Optimizing factors for large-scale production of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi consortia using root organ cultures Optimizing factors for large-scale production of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi.

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Maunata Ghorui
Shouvik Chowdhury
Keshab Das
Kiran Sunar
Balu Prakash


Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF), Large-scale production, Root Organ Culture (ROC), Yield, Spore, Culture, Media, Propagule


Large-scale production of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) consortia is a crucial stride in harnessing their potential for sustainable agriculture and plant growth enhancement. However, establishing optimal production conditions is challenging due to their obligate nature, variability, lack of standardized protocols, and limited understanding of their specific requirements. Previous attempts to standardize Root Organ Cultures (ROC) for AMF overlooked challenges related to viable inoculum production for field applications. This current investigation reported, for the first time, the optimization of various factors during large-scale production of AMF using ROC. By optimizing factors like gelling agents, media preparation, medium-to-inoculum ratios, incubation conditions, age, harvesting method and drying temperatures, we achieved significant yields of viable propagules. The standardized protocol outlined in this study will greatly influence commercial-scale AMF production. These standardized protocols are poised to contribute to larger-scale AMF production worldwide, with the potential to support sustainable agriculture and ecosystem management.


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