Preparing Supplementary information for JBM

Supplementary information is peer-reviewed material directly relevant to the conclusions of an article. Supplementary information should enhance, but not be essential to, a reader’s understanding of the paper and may consist of additional text, materials, figures, tables and movies.

  • Supplementary information should be combined into a single PDF file except for large Excel tables (see below) and video files. This PDF file should be labeled “Supplementary Information” and should start with a Table of Content that provides a clear and easy access to the sections of supplementary information, as cited in the main text.
  • All supplementary figures, tables and movies should be cited as “Figure S1”, “Figure S2”, “Table S1”, “Table S2”, Movie S1, etc., throughout the text. Each figure legend should be typed beneath its figure.
  • Large supplementary tables (more than 50 rows) can be submitted as MS Excel spreadsheet documents (.xls or .xlsx).
  • Movies can be submitted as Flash Movie (.swf), Audio Video Interleave (.avi), Quicktime (.mov), Windows Media (.wmv), and animated GIF (gif). A brief legend for each movie should be included at the end of the main manuscript file.
  • File sizes must be as small as possible. In general, a supplementary information file should not exceed 20 MB.  For video files, the maximum size of each file is 2 GB.
  • Supplementary information is not copy-edited, so authors should ensure that it is supplied accurately and is ready for publication. It cannot be modified, nor can new supplementary information be added after the paper has been accepted for publication.